Looking for simpler ways to improve performance? Our solutions are designed to simplify mechanical design, provide greater system flexibility and improve overall performance. Allen Bradley Kinetix? Servo drives can be seamlessly installed on the Logix platform, providing simpler configuration, system integration, and network and security options.
Kinetix integrated motion control based on EtherNet/IP servo driver
Our Kinetix? The 5500, 5700, 6500, and 350 servo drives can be connected to and operated with Logix controllers to support integrated motion control based on EtherNet/IP. These drives combine high-performance integrated motion control with an open EtherNet/IP network. They can be used as part of the solution using EtherNet/IP to integrate high-performance servo drives and AC converters, I/O, intelligent actuators and any other devices connected through EtherNet/IP.
Encoder output module
Our Bulletin 2198 encoder output module synchronizes the device with integrated motion on your EtherNet/IP system. It can be synchronized to any real or virtual motion axis and is ideal for working with Kinetix? And PowerFlex? Frequency converters are used together.
Kinetix EtherNet/IP index pulse and independent servo driver
Our Kinetix? The index pulse and independent servo drive can provide the appropriate control level according to your needs, helping to reduce the complexity of the machine. From low-power application projects to more traditional servo solutions, you can choose the drive that suits your control needs, number of axes, communication network and security.
Kinetix integrated motion control based on SERCOS interface
Our Kinetix? The 6000 and 6200 SERCOS integrated motion control multi axis servo drives help improve system performance while saving time and money. Kinetix 2000 servo driver extends the advantages of Kinetix integrated motion to low power motion control application projects, while Kinetix 7000 servo driver is applicable to motion control application projects with the highest power requirements. Kinetix 6000M integrated drive motor system will provide high performance MP Series? Food grade servo motor and Kinetix 6000 servo driver are combined into one system.
Kinetix 5700, Regenerative Bus Supply, 3 Phase 324-528 VAC, 35.0 DC Arms Output, 24.0 KW
Kinetix 5700, Regenerative Bus Supply, 3 Phase 324-528 VAC, 100.0 DC Arms Output, 67.0 KW
Kinetix 5700, Regenerative Bus Supply, 3 Phase 324-528 VAC, 176.0 DC Arms Output, 119.0 KW
Kinetix 5700, Regenerative Bus Supply, 3 Phase 324-528 VAC, 207.0 DC Arms Output, 140.0 KW
150A Single-axis Module 220mm
192A Single-axis Module 220mm
150 Arms continuous 263 Arms Peak ouput current – Advanced Safety
192 Arms continuous, 312 Arms Peak ouput current – Advanced Safety
Kinetix 5700 10A DC Bus Supply, 480VAC 3-ph, 55mm
Kinetix 5700 25A DC Bus Supply, 480VAC 3-ph, 55mm
Kinetix 5700 47A DC Bus Supply, 480VAC 3-ph, 85mm
Kinetix 5700 69A DC Bus Supply, 480VAC 3-ph, 85mm
2×2.5A Dual-axis Module 55mm
2x5A Dual-axis Module 55mm
2x8A Dual-axis Module 55mm
2x13A Dual-axis Module 55mm
2x23A Dual-axis Module 85mm
43A Single-axis Module 85mm
65A Single-axis Module 85mm
85A Single-axis Module 100mm
2×2.5 Arms continuous, 2×6.0 Arms Peak output current – Advanced Safety
2×5.0 Arms continuous, 2×12.0 Arms Peak output current – Advanced Safety
2×8.0 Arms continuous, 2×20.0 Arms Peak output current – Advanced Safety
2×13.0 Arms continuous, 2×32.0 Arms Peak output current – Advanced Safety
2×23.0 Arms continuous, 2×57.0 Arms Peak output current – Advanced Safety
43 Arms continuous, 86 Arms Peak output current – Advanced Safety
65 Arms continuous, 130 Arms Peak output current – Advanced Safety
85 Arms continuous, 160 Arms Peak output current – Advanced Safety